Tomi Nietula
Tomi Nietula has worked as a trumpet teacher at Lahti Music Institute since 1997. Born in Nivala, he studied in Jokilaakso Music Academy and later, via the Maliskylä brass band and the Oulainen wind orchestra, in Päijät-Häme Conservatory in Lahti, where he graduated as a trumpet teacher in 1999. He then studied in additional training as a brass teacher and completed a postgraduate degree in trumpet playing in Lahti in 2002. Tomi has directed several wind/brass groups of different levels. Among the current ensembles are PuhkuPower, MegaBrass, Trumpet ensemble, and SuperMegaBrass, which is a band all brass players of the music school can join.
Brass music has always been close to Tomi's heart. He has played in Lahti Brass Quintet since 2000, and has recorded works for brass by Luis Pasquet and Harri Ahmaksen, among others.
Music camps have played an important role in Nietula’s life, including the Oulu Brass Music Camps, Liminga Music Camp, “Brass in Power”, Music School Funny Tunes -camps, Raudaskylä Brass Music Camp and Lieksa Brass Week, where he is now in his third year of directing the ensemble course.
His most rousing brass memories are from Lieksa, where Tomi witnessed the enchanting musicianship of Timofei Dokshitser and heard German Brass performing the Pilgrims' Choir by Richard Wagner. The playing of the SuperBrass, led by Esko Heikkinen, also always made him smile with satisfaction and head humbly but increasingly motivated towards the rehearsals.