25.7.–2.8.2025 • Lieksa
Lieksa Brass Week is the biggest brass music festival in the Nordic countries. Lieksa Brass Week includes music courses, international competition and the classical concert series as well as open air performances.
Lieksa Brass Week was launched by music councillor and trumpeter Erkki Eskelinen, inspired by an idea contest of Lieksa municipality and the newspaper Lieksan Lehti held in 1979. Brass music was close to heart for the former trumpeter Eskelinen, especially through the Lieksa Youth Wind Orchestra. He wanted the Brass Week to bring international master class expertise to Lieksa.
Lieksa is a small town in North Karelia in the eastern border of EU. Lieksa has fascinating natural scenes and provides a great variety of opportunities for outdoor recreation and relaxation. Lieksa Brass Week, supported by Lieksa municipality, is the biggest art music festival in North Karelia.
Top international brass artists of the world get together in Lieksa every year to teach and perform. The master classes and basic tuition courses have had an important influence for many brass students over the years.
Every year Lieksa Brass Week presents both Finnish and foreign new brass music and musicians that would perhaps not otherwise be heard in Finland.
The artistic director of Lieksa Brass Week is Jouko Harjanne.
Annika Ullgren, managing director
tel. +358 50 572 5338
Festival office
tel. +358 045 132 4000
Online ticket sales:
Mail address:
Pielisentie 26
81700 Lieksa
Concert tickets are sold at Lieksa Brass Week's webstore.
Tickets are sold at the concert venues starting one hour before concert time.
Tickets cannot be reserved for later redemption. Once paid tickets cannot be refunded or exchanged.
Lower price is for children aged 4-12 and the students of Lieksa Brass Week music courses.
When paying with culture vouchers, you can only have one product in your shopping basket at a time. In the online shop, you must select "cultural vouchers" as the payment method (only at the very last stage, just before the order is confirmed).
Festival office tel: +358 45 132 4000, e-mail: info@lieksabrass.com. The ticket sales office is at the Cultural Centre, 2nd floor, Pielisentie 9-11, starting 1.7.2025, open 11 am - 5 pm from Mondays to Fridays. During the festival the office is open also on Saturday and Sunday, times will be announced later.
Concert venues
Lieksa Church, by architects by Raili and Reima Pietilä, overlooks the River Lieksanjoki in the centre of Lieksa. It stands on the site of the fine wooden church designed by C.L. Engel that was destroyed by fire. The new church successfully combines the atmosphere of the old, classical church with modern architecture and the potential of present-day building techniques. As the sounds of the brass instruments soar to the vaulted ceiling, listeners can admire the beautiful park and old bell tower through the big cruciform window. Lieksa Church seats 600 and, if necessary, a further 300 in the area at the rear. It has an induction loop and is easily accessible for wheelchairs.
The 400-seat Brahe Hall at the Cultural Centre right in the centre of Lieksa can be adapted to suit a variety of events by rearranging the platform and using spotlights to create fitting moods. It has an induction loop and provisions for wheelchairs.
There are ccommodation possibilities in the center of Lieksa and its surrounding area. If you have a car in use, less than half an hour's drive away you'll find quite many idyllic accommodation places and holiday cottages.
Worth checking: Airbnb
More information:
Tourist Information. Tel: +358 40 104 4680, e-mail: asiakaspalvelu@lieksa.fi, address Pielisentie 3, 81700 Lieksa. https://www.lieksa.fi/matkailu-tourism
See also:
Travelling to Lieksa
From Helsinki to Joensuu Airport and then by bus to the city Centre of Joensuu. From the city Centre of Joensuu either by train or by bus to Lieksa.
Train transportation from all over Finland. Buy train tickets
Parking in Lieksa is free. The nearest biogas station is Gasum in Joensuu (Wahlforssinkatu 18b). The distance from there to Lieksa is 93 km.
Taksi Itä-Suomi
Map of Lieksa
View the map of Lieksa at http://infogis.infokartta.fi/infogis-lieksa/
Aino ja Olla Teräsvuoren säätiö
Karjalaisen Kulttuurin Edistämissäätiö
City of Lieksa
Lieksa Parish
Musiikin edistämissäätiö (MES)
Opintokeskus Sivis
OP Pohjois-Karjala
Pohjois-Karjalan Osuuskauppa
Sanomalehti Karjalainen
Suomen Kulttuurirahasto
Taiteen edistämiskeskus
The members of the supporting association Lieksan Vaskiviikon kannatusyhdistys ry have supported the festival by a yearly membership fee.
SUMMER CAMPAIGN! Join Lieksan Vaskiviikon kannatusyhdistys ry
by the opening concert (Fri 26.7. at 18:00)
and enter a draw to win two (2) concert tickets for Lieksa Brass Week 2024 or product prizes.
Lieksa Brass Week is organised by its support association Lieksan Vaskiviikon kannatusyhdistys ry. By becoming a member of the association you can support and influence the activities and receive up-to-date information about the activities of Lieksa Brass Week.
The membership fee for 2025 is EUR 25 for individual members and EUR 80 for corporate members. Members receive a five (5) euro discount on the normal price of concert tickets.
If you would like to support Lieksa Brass Week by becoming a member Lieksan Vaskiviikon kannatusyhdistys ry, please contact us by e-mail: info@lieksabrass.com.
The association's regular spring meeting for members will be held on 26.2.2025 at 17.30
at Energiatie 2, 2nd floor, Lieksa.